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A UCONN graduate, Eric received his bachelor’s degree in Horticulture with a focus in Landscape Design before working as a Growing Coach at Monrovia Nursery for several years.

Throughout his college and professional career he has enjoyed partnering with other garden designers to create beautiful outdoor spaces in the landscape of New England.

Eric is passionate about bringing beauty into the lives of others, and what could be more breathtaking than the vibrancy of the natural world!

As a consummate host himself, he sees the value of an inviting and engaging outdoor space that brings comfort and excitement to any guest that comes to enjoy it.

Eric seeks to partner with clients who have a strong sense of personal style and a curiosity about the natural mediums capable of expressing a person’s brand.

Eric lives with his wife and business partner Brittany in East Granby, CT. Both have a passion to serve others and have a heart for the disability and foster care communities. They love to travel and their lives independently and together have taken them on many adventures abroad and across the US. Their favorite pastimes include biking, going to the beach, and cooking.